Trademark Service Inquiry

Your brand is your reputation. It’s your uniqueness. Our trademark lawyers understand. We treat trademarks like what they are—one of a company’s most valuable assets. Please let us know how we can help.

    How can we help you with your trademark?

    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]Error[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Step 2"]

      What do you want to trademark?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]

      Are you already using the trademark in connection with goods or services?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]

      We can absolutely help you. What is your email address?

      (You will not be charged/billed for our outreach.)
      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Next" "Step 3"]

      And your phone number?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back" "Next" "Step 4"]

      How would you prefer to be contacted?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-5 "Back" "Next" "Step 5"]

      Finally, your first and last name please?

      [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-6 "Back" "Step 6"]

        How can we assist?

        [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]

        We can absolutely help you. What is your email address?

        (You will not be charged/billed for our outreach.)
        [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]

        And your phone number?

        [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Next" "Step 3"]

        How would you prefer to be contacted?

        [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back" "Next" "Step 4"]

        Finally, your first and last name please?

        [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-5 "Back" "Step 5"]

          How can we assist?

          [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]

          We can absolutely help you. What is your email address?

          (You will not be charged/billed for our outreach.)
          [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" "Step 2"]

          And your phone number?

          [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Next" "Step 3"]

          How would you prefer to be contacted?

          [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back" "Next" "Step 4"]

          Finally, your first and last name please?

          [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-5 "Back" "Step 5"]